Soil Nailing
Visalia, CA
May 2000 - |
Several soil nailed wall structures were required for the
widening of State Highway 198 in Visalia, CA. However, the contractor experienced
some difficulties in several sections, related to the soil conditions and
his construction methodologies.
Geosystems was engaged by the California Department of Transportation
- Review all relevant technical and contractual correspondence.
- Visit site and assess the construction operation.
- Review various construction alternatives.
- Make recommendations as to future practice.
- Assist CalTrans in claim defense.
Mr. Richard Salinas
Senior Bridge Engineer
State of California
Department of Transportation
2510 S. East Ave., Suite 400
Fresno, CA 93706
(559) 445-5883
rsalinas@dot.ca.gov |
Technical Papers |
Bruce, D.A. (1993). “In
Situ Earth Reinforcing by Soil Nailing.” Chapter 11, “Underpinning-and
Retention.” Edited by S. Thornburn and G.S. Littlejohn, Published
by Blackie Academic and Professional, pp. 340-394. |